News 22 July 2024

Chef’s Table

Events 22 July 2024

Aperitifs at La Foresteria

News 5 July 2024

Planeta Estate Hospitality is Ecoluxury Partner

News 21 June 2024

Francesca Planeta Honored with the Compasso d’Oro Career Award

News 11 June 2024

The Insula Beach Club reopens. A green drawing room on the sea at Menfi.

la foresteria-panoramica-chiave-michelin
News 8 May 2024

La Foresteria Wine Resort recognized with Michelin key

News 23 April 2024

Journey through Sicily, in Planeta style

News 12 March 2024

Planeta Estate’s La Foresteria opens the 2024 season

News 21 February 2024

SPRING AT LA FORESTERIA, for regeneration in our Mediterranean garden

Guida Michelin
News 1 December 2023

The entrance into the Michelin Guide and the 2 Hats in the 2024 Restaurant Guide of L’Espresso: a great year for La Foresteria Restaurant